January postcard
I normally call my parents once a week to keep them updated, but I soon felt that they deserved something tangible, rather than some chatter over the phone.
Design Choices
The photos I chose to include had varying focal points, and the letters in the word “January” had varying shapes. In particular, the J and the Y had shapes that were rather unique. For the J, I chose a photo whose subject had a narrow shape; the photo of the Capitol Building fit nicely in this frame. For the Y, I chose the winter scene because there was no defining shape needed to recognize the photo; instead, the sparkling white snow was more important to be seen.
This design was inspired by large letter postcards from the mid-20th century. I wanted to replicate the curved nature of the main word, as well as the use of photos to fill block letters.
I intentionally left a generous amount of white space in the lower right-hand corner so that I could handwrite a small note on the postcard.