Signs that delineate policies for street parking are typically overly complicated, leading to confusion. Here, I have created an alternative that can be displayed prominently in parking zones, clearly showing the current status of a parking zone.

The sign uses dynamic messaging (illuminated text). The primary color of the sign is green, which matches that of general informational transit signs. I opted to have the text be lit up in white, but “Prohibited” is displayed in red, a color typically used for negation. This color palette was drawn from walk signs used by pedestrians. When parking is prohibited, the light for the time limit deactivates, since there is no information that needs to be displayed from that area.

The sign is design so that it can be read aloud as a complete sentence, such as “Parking is allowed for a 2 hour limit until 7:00 PM”.


Below are some elements that I decided not to incorporate.