Pokémon Hunt Game
In my Game Programming class (fall 2022 semester), one of the main semester-long projects for the class was developing a Pokémon hunt game. The premise is simple: two Pokémon wander around a 3D environment, and the player has to capture ten of them before the timer runs out. The two creatures in my game are Psyduck and Mewtwo, each with their own unique behaviors.
The project was developed using Unity, with code written in C#. Various 3D assets used in the game include the meshes, textures, and materials for Pokémon and the player character. Some of these arrangements were fixed or tweaked using Blender, a 3D editing software.
The video was recorded with the intent of submitting it for my class, hence the labels for each deliverable.
The deliverables were:
A 3D environment for the player, featuring a textured terrain and various earth-like elements
Colliders for trees and environment boundaries
Player character is controllable, and is animated for motion
Camera tracks player character’s movements in the 3D environment
Player can throw a Pokeball (with accompanying animation)
Pokeball has animation for opening and closing
NPC (Pokémon) are animated and wander around the map
Player can capture Pokémon using Pokeball
Score is shown when updated (shows how many Pokémon have been captured)
Game has a timer that causes the game to end if it runs out
A start screen and end screen
Extra credit: a second NPC with different behaviors
Extra credit: choice of difficulty (time and number of Pokémon present changes)
Extra credit: overhead display of number of Pokémon captured